Dona Aurora

The Weather Station is on. Still trying to get it’s bearings, the outside temperature is still a bit off, but already turned on and broadcasting it’s measurements . Now we’ll know the conditions were dealing with, hyper-locally. I know how hot (or cold) it is, right on my window sill. We also get pressure and humidity for the outside module, the one we’re sharing with Netatmo’s WeatherMap, and noise levels and CO2 meter for the (private) indoor module.

Dona Aurora

So, if you’re ever need to know the conditions on this exact spot, feel free to check DonaAurora’s readings…

Netatmo’s app is nice enough, and you can configure a bunch of notifications for all the parameters. Is it getting too cold ? Warn me! Is it getting too loud ? Notification on the way. Are you smoking too much and have a rising CO2 level inside ? Beep beep…

Another cool thing about Netatmo’s product is the fact that Wunderground can tap into this network of Netatmo’s users and you don’t have to rely on a single temperature for a whole city. You can pick the one that’s closer to your home or work and have that as your station.

It’s also worth noting that IFTTT has a Netatmo channel and with it a ton of cool recipes to try out.

Fun times ahead.